Beijing - Part 1

1st Day

Hai all....:D

Aku pegi Beijing last March....dari 15-19 was sooooooo cold!!!masa ari yg aku sampai tu, suhu nyer lebih kurang -3 darjah selsius...wahhh memula tgk salji dr atas kapal terbang, excitednya kemain..hehehhe..awak ingat awak tough,"cam tak sejuk jer..."ingat bole la nak melawa bagai...rupanya mak aiiiiiiiiiiiiii...masa pintu airport tu bukak, mcm nk tergugur segala organ, bulu, kulit dan sebagainya....

hehehe...bukti okayyyyyyyy......

lepak2 di Golden Lounge (courtesy of kasuri casturi)


So lepas dh go through all th emigresen sister almost tak lepas, imigresen officer tu kata muka dia tak sama dgn dalam gambar.."kak..samada hg dh tua atau hg buat plastik surgeri....:P"

Lepas dh selesai semua masalah tu. kitaorg pun pegi la menuju ke keluar...masa keluar tu....fuhhhhhhhhhhhh..sojuknya aiiii!!nasib kitaorg dh arrange transport dr airport nk ke hotel, so tak payah la nak bersusah payah cari transport...masalahnya diaorg ni ckp very limited English, aku xreti ckp cina...jadi dh mcm ayam ckp dgn itik..."belasah jer la labu...janji sampai"....

ni la driver kitaorg...ambik dr belakang jer...takut nk ajak amek gambar...sekali dia bercakap mcm nk gado..padahal dia cuma nk explain apa yg patut..ekekke...

Enjoy the pics...view along the way....



salji lagi

teksi...(saja jer)

cantik eh pokok2 tu?

So lepas perjalanan yg sgt mengagumkan aku...(almaklum la xpernah tgk salji)...sampai la kat hotel. Trip ni is own arrangement...mat salleh kata DIY..Do It hotel carik sendiri...tiket flite beli sendiri...transport arrangement buat sendiri...betul2 adventure...hotel ni xder la mewah..tapi cukup selesa, dan mmg bersesuaian dgn kitaorg yg tak lekat dalam bilik pun....bagi aku as long as selesa nak tidor, bersih dan selamat, hotel biasa pun dh cukup...

ni lah hotel kitaorg...simple jer...Zaoyuan Ju Hotel, Hutong

jalan nk masuk ke otel....hanya pemandu taraf F1 jer boleh drive kat sini

ni pokok, bukan momok

gambar ni diambil oleh aku yg gayat tgk salji

di dalam bilik...abaikan insan2 tersebut...lupa nk ambik gambar sebelum bilik diserang...hikhikhik....

aku sgt particular bab toilet ni aku rate kan 7/10...cuma air panas tak brapa nak cukup

Lepas kitaorg check in, rehat sekejap dalam bilik sebab xtahan sejuk...pastu kakak aku pun mula la bukak buku. Frommer's Travel Guide: BeijingBuku yg berguna dalam proses nak merancang perjalanan. So after kita org bincang2, we decided untuk pergi dekat Bell Tower and Drum Tower, which is around our hotel. About ten minutes walk. 

view dekat main road on the way to Bell Tower

 deretan kedai

Youth Hostel


More info on Bell & Drum Tower (credit to

"The bell and drum were originally used as musical instruments in China. Afterward, however, they were used for telling time. As early as in the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220), there was 'a morning bell and a dusk drum'. Telling the time by bell and drum played an important role in helping people live and work regularly when there was no other means to keep track of the time. As a result, bell and drum towers became public architectures, and were widely constructed in almost every city throughout the country since the Han Dynasty. In the history of their construction, the bell and drum towers of Beijing are the largest and highest. Their layout is unique, in that they were placed fore-and-aft, not as the traditional sense of standing right-and-left horizontally.
Lying to the north of Beijing-south axis line in Dongcheng District, the bell and drum towers are visibly prominent constructions and represent the symbol of this old city. They were built in 1272, and rebuilt twice after two fires. At one period in history they were the time-telling center of the capital city during the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties (1271-1911)."

 Bell Tower

This brick and stone towers have two floors: there is an arched door on all four sides of the tower on the first floor, and you can go up to the second floor through stone stairs. The same exists on the first floor. An arched door was also built on the four sides of the second floor. Additionally, there is a stone window on each side of the four doors. Hanging on an eight-square wooden frame of the second floor, the bell in this tower is the largest and heaviest in China. It is 7.02 meters (23 feet) high including the pendants, with a weight of 63 tons (138,891 pounds). The bell was made of copper, and you can hear its round and clear sound from far away. The two 2-meter-long (2 yards) wooden logs hanging sideward are used to ring the bell.

Drum Tower

Located 100 meters (109 yards) south to the bell tower, the drum tower was placed on a 4-meter-high (13 feet) stone and brick base. It is 46.7 meters (153 feet) high, a little bit lower than the bell tower that is 47.9 meters high (157 feet). This tower is also a two-storey building; the first floor contains the China Committee for the Promotion of the Minority Art. The second floor contains the exhibition area. Originally, there was one big drum and 24 smaller drums, but only the big drum remains. The method of beating the drum is to beat it quickly for 18 times and then slowly for 18 times. Altogether there are three rounds and 108 tollings. People knock the bell and the drum 108 times, because 108 times represent one year in ancient times.

Admission Fee : 

Bell Tower - 

RMB15 (RM7)  


Drum Tower - 

RMB20 (RM9.50)

Opening Hours: 09:10 to 17:00

Drum Tower

Drum Tower dari depan

Tangga nak mendaki ke atas Drum kalau stamina tahap Red Bull silakan...bear in mind, in winter cepat jadi penat(or aku je yg cepat penat sebab tak biasa?huhu)

rupanya aku tak ambik gambar Bell Tower mesti sebab dh terlampau sejuk, nak petik kamera pun dh tak boleh...huhu. Tapi buat sesiapa yg teringin nak tgk gambar Bell Tower, sila lah tanpa malu-malu...GOOGLE!:P

Lepas about setengah jam kitaorg kat situ, lepas berusaha dgn gigih melawan cuaca sejuk, kitaorang cekalkan hati...teruskan meronda kat area situ. Pegi jalan2 tgk kedai2 kat situ. Sorilah yer nama jalan dah tak ingat, almaklumlah, dah berapa bulan ni pun untuk trial jer...but I promise, there'll be plenty of pics..ok?..:D. Kita org beli snow cap sorang satu, satu harganya lebih kurang RM10.ok la kot....along the way, ada banyak kedai jual baju, makanan dan macam2 keperluan harian. This is where the local shops, and bila kita pergi tempat orang, I would suggest kita visit tempat2 macam ni sebab price lebih murah dan aku rasa this is the best way untuk kita blend dengan culture enjoy the pics..

Bar dan restoran

very busy road

aku yg excited bersama snow cap yang baru...


So berakhirlah sudah pengembaraan di hari pertama. Maybe ada yg tertanya makan kat mana?ok..makanan kitaorg bawak dari M'sia. So everytime sebelum kitaorg keluar, makan dulu kenyang2, dan bawak makanan ringan sebagai bekal. Bukan kedekut, tapi disebabkan citarasa, fahaman dan perasaan was-was so kitaorang decide untuk bawak makanan sendiri. Terpulang la pada korang sebab kedai makanan Islam ada di merata-rata, cuma perlu ingat perbezaan fahaman mungkin akan memberi sedikit kejutan budaya!



What do you think?